solutions-bg2Interactive voice response (IVR) systems have provided the foundation of telephone self-service and call routing for more than 3 decades. Then and now, the difference between successful automated systems that callers want to use – and those they dread – is design, development, integration, deployment and testing discipline, procedures, and expertise. VEXIS is committed to delivering VIP service to every one of our customers at every phase of every project.

Flexible, Portable, Best-of-breed

VEXIS supports traditional and IP telephony in mixed-protocol, multi-vendor implementations. We utilize the infrastructure you have as well as the best combination of new components to create seamless, best-in-class automated service environments that enhance caller satisfaction while reducing costs-per-call.

IVR plus Speech recognition and CTI can extend the benefits of IVR, increasing automation rates and making automated interactions more personal. VEXIS Envoy middleware can unify applications, information, and the user experience across multiple interaction channels from agent-assisted calls to web and voice self-service, chat and more.